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The key points for garden survival in summer

in order of priority are:

  1. A well designed reliable irrigation system is number 1 on the list
    Water is obviously essential for all life. Irrigation systems are automatic and when designed by professionals your irrigation system will deliver the right amount of water to your garden exactly where it’s needed.
  2. Well conditioned soil, adding compost and a wetting agent effectively allows adequate water penetration into the soil so it can easily soak down deep in to the root zone where needed.
  3. A thick layer of mulch in garden beds and container plants helps keep moisture in your soil, ensuring the least amount of water evaporation possible. Moisture stays in your soil longer making it available to plant root systems for longer.
  4. Fertilizer and nutrients, every living thing requires food. Well fed lawns and plants are stronger and healthier and have a much better chance of remaining lush and vibrant during the host summer in between watering says. The stronger your lawn and plants are the more capable they are at protecting themselves from pests and disease.

Are your plants in an ideal location relating to full sun, part shade or shade, unless naturally native to WA, most plants sold in Western Australia need relief from long dry spells of blazing hot sun, of course with watering they’ll survive, but not necessarily thrive or look their best.

Plant labels that suggest “full sun” don’t necessarily mean long hot dry spells as is the norm for western Australia in full sun. In the case of many plants and shrubs deemed suitable for full sun, It often means Easter states full sun where summers yield more rainfall.

Western Australian summer is dryer therefore if our gardens are to survive long hot dry summers, our gardens need to be regularly watered to ensure survival.

The best time to Water is first thing in the early morning before 6:00am. Plants and lawns start to become active first thing in the morning. Automatic irrigation systems do a fantastic job of taking care of this task on your watering days.

Regular automatic watering systems make gardens thrive

Irrigation systems will definitely help your garden thrive during long hot summers as well as give you back valuable time otherwise spent moving sprinklers and turning taps on and off, not to mention tediously hand watering with the garden hose!

Water delivery to the root zone of lawns and plants is essential to survival and promotes a healthy green garden.

Waterwise cost saving Irrigation

Professionally designed Irrigation systems are optimised for peak performance and low running costs, they are controlled with automatic irrigation controllers and easily programmed to turn on and off for specific recommended time periods according to your garden design, sprinkler type and your individual garden watering needs.

The Watershed irrigation controller recommended Brands

All irrigation controllers are designed to be programmed to water your garden only on your rostered watering days.

Setting your rostered watering days is very easy. Irrigation controllers can be turned off in winter during Western Australia’s garden watering restricted period between June1st and August 31st.

Contact The Watershed’s Service department to book a call out service if you prefer to have an irrigation specialist set up or re-set and program your irrigation controller for you.

Rain Sensors are awesome


We all know it often rains in WA in September and in recent years in October for sure. A rain sensor is a must have if you don’t want to remember to turn off your irrigation system on days where you think that it might rain. But what if it doesn’t rain as the weather forecasters have indicated?

Missing out on a watering day because it didn’t rain as forecasters predicted



Quite often it does rain but not necessarily in every suburb! If you have turned off your irrigation under the assumption it will rain, your garden will miss out on a much needed watering day during this important strength gathering growing season, keep in mind, you are not permitted to water on the next day if you missed a day if it is not your official watering day.

Having a rain sensor installed, you never have this problem, nor do you need to remember to turn your irrigation system off and back on again, the rain sensor does it for you reliably and automatically.

Use free rain water every chance you can get and save yet again! Quality trusted brand rain sensors are reliable and turn off your irrigation only if it actually does rain. You know your garden will be watered because the Rain sensor will turn it back on in preparation for your next watering day pre programmed run time.

The Watershed Water systems will plan and install a reliable, a cost effective, water saving system to suite your garden style layout and watering needs, right down to programming your automatic irrigation controller to deliver accurate quantities of water at recommended duration times on your rostered watering days. You’ll never have to remember to water your garden again!

DIY “Do It yourself” Irrigation systems are also popular to save on installation costs, and can still have the exact same features and benefits that a professionally installed system will give you, The watershed water systems will explain how it’s done when you have everything ready to install.

Any one of The Watershed irrigation stores can provide everything you need, essentially it’s a tailor made complete garden irrigation kit designed specifically for your individual garden.

Everything you need can be included in your Irrigation design plan and quotation, It’s as easy as bringing your basic drawing of your garden layout on a 1 to one scale or 2 to one scale into one of our stores. We’ll need to know your flow rate from your water supply, which could be your garden tap, bore or water tank supply. A Watershed irrigation system designer will custom design a reliable system to suit your needs.

Get your irrigation designed Free when you buy a professionally installed or DIY irrigation system
The Watershed irrigation specialists can design irrigation systems for any project large or small, even down to your decorative pot plants without wasting water on paved areas and driveways.

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